Here are the different venues where you can compete with your agility dog.
Each venue has separate events, requirements, titles, etc.
How do you pick one? Look for one that fits you & your dog in terms of course styles, competitiveness, and number of trials close to home.

American Kennel Club
Entry Level: Novice A/B
(A if it’s your first ever AKC agility dog, B if it’s not)
Equipment: Novice includes 6 weaves and teeter.
AKC is for you if you want a LOT of options for dates to trial, including weekdays.

Canine Performance Events
Entry Level: 1, 2, or 3
(Enter 1 if it’s your first ever agility dog!)
Equipment: Level 1 does not include weaves or teeter.
CPE is for you if you want a light and fun atmosphere that is super welcoming to newbies.

North American Dog Agility Council
Entry Level: Intro or Novice
(Enter Intro if it’s your first ever agility dog.)
Equipment: NADAC does not use the teeter in any level. Intro does not include weaves.
NADAC is for you if you want a newbie-friendly atmosphere and love distance handling challenges.

UK Agility International
Entry Level: Beginner
Equipment: Beginner includes 12 weaves and teeter in many courses.
UKI is for you if your dog loves wide open spaces to run and challenging, international-style courses in the upper levels.

US Dog Agility Association
Entry Level: Intro or Starters
Equipment: Intro can include 6 weaves and teeter. Starters includes includes 12 weaves and teeter in many courses.
USDAA is for you if you like a challenge, courses that are fun to run, and team/relay agility events.